MSK Cargo

  • Airfreight
  • Road freight
  • Ocean freight
  • Fast quotations, competitive prices on any mode
  • Direct and consolidation
  • Service, part load or full load
  • Dangerous Goods
  • Letter of credits
  • Consular documentation
  • Customs procedures
  • Full support and advice
  • Door-to-door or door-to-airport
  • Transit insurance available
  • Packing on request

MSK Courier

  • 217 countries served
  • Fastest transits available
  • Competitive rates -
  • countrywide, major cities
  • and heavyweight tariffs for economical deliveries
  • Timed deliveries-bespoke to your needs.
  • Automatic POD’s on all deliveries
  • Fast, competitive door-to door deliveries for larger consignments
  • Road and air options to all major destinations
  • Part load or dedicated vehicle options

MSK Consultancy

  • Strategic and operational
  • Review of your supply chain
  • Experienced and qualified professionals
  • Pricing options to suit your budget

MSK Brokerage

Customs clearance at all major UK ports and airports.Guidance on any aspect of Customs procedures:Duties/VAT, reclaims, Tariff numbers, Carnets, Import/export Deferment facility
Merchandise-in-Baggage(MIB) service